Join-the-dots journalism

There is a bit of a ‘State of the web/new media’ article forming in my head, but I am too tired and hungover to write it.

The story starts with Dr Horrible and then probably says something about streaming content and free internet-based telly. Maybe a bit of “I heart Joss Whedon” fan-girl-ish-ness for good measure.

Something about Whedon being at the helm when the internet finally does for pre-scheduled tv, and then I’d move into the structure of his writing. Talk a little about accumulated knowledge across series (Twin Peaks?), and finish with a little Everything bad is good for you dumbing-up polemic.

Would probably need to bring the dumbing-up back to new and exciting ways of disseminating media, to make the piece a little more robust, but there you go. Online reportage at its laziest.

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